Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Day to Celebrate!

Today is Kristian's birthday.  In recognition, I would like to thank Richard - can we make em or not!

There are too many miles between Kris and I; AZ to NY.  Visits are too short, photos are great but not the real thing.  However, I am grateful every day that he's mine.  And Richard's.

All is well in my little metropolis; Albert and Kinky are happy, the lilies are in bloom, the basement is clean and I'm on my way to an annual event that will draw almost the entire local population, i.e., 400.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cause of Death:  Cabin Fever Complicated by Freezing Weather

You know it's bad when the dogs have to be pushed out the door.  To complicate matters, the back door regularly freezes to the frame.  

To pass the time, I've returned to knitting.  It has been awhile since I put my needles down, but it's all coming back.  It took 40 minutes to cast on 40 stitches.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

They're everywhere

Everyone says the deer population is high this year.  I counted 20 in the back yard last week.  I leave apples at the end of the drive and they disappear almost instantly.  Surprisingly, Henry doesn't react to the deer. 

The new furnace is terrific and with all the new insulation, we're quite cozy. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Today is my birthday...

 Time flies, even when you're not having fun.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The answer is - layers, lots of layers...

You're thinking, "I didn't know she had a horse".  Well, I don't but isn't this a swell image.  We had a bit of a storm this morning but now just flurries.  I'm avoiding eye contact with Henry, just in case he wants to go outside again.  We went for a walk earlier and all I could think of was how cold his paws must be.  He didn't complain and actually, I don't think he noticed.  He has the right attitude:  Celebrate the season!

More tea
Hot cocoa with way too many marshmallows
Resume knitting
Pull out boots, gloves, hats, scarves
Change summer dishes to winter dishes
Look for snow shovel

Frank in boots...

My hero...

I don't know how I did it, it had to have been a miraculous moment between the moon and the stars.   Born July 25, 1970 in Hermosa Beach.  I thought I was giving birth to a born surfer, instead he's a desert and mountain kind of guy.  He loves his family, is great at his job and is one of the most wonderful men I know.  Most of all he tolerates all my eccentricities.  I love you Kristian.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

And they said you can never go back...

Yes, I'm home and I'm very happy to be here.

The drive from Arizona actually wasn't too bad; me, Henry, Mabel and the Bean.  Bean refused to stay in her carrier, manipulated the zipper and crawled out.  She rode on the console for most of the trip only getting up to look out the window.

I've cleaned, I've mowed, I've filled the pantry and I've even had a fire in the woodstove. 
I'm looking for a job, not sure what I want to do but am keenly aware of the need to get back to work.

Life is good.